Monday 5 May 2008

Comment Lying with Integrety. : All ey3s on M3

I totally agree I have not come across anyone else who has the same thoughts on the Santa notion, I just don't get it we constantly tell children not to lie, its wrong, yet we tell them a big whopping lie which is a big deal in there little world. I have just had a child and I don't plan on telling him a pack of lies about Santa, however many parents say its taking away there childhood fantasy and fun, then there is the battle with school and all other children's belief. Its almost like a pressure from society to lie to our children.

1 comment:

cassmun said...

I agree totally. We are told to be truth and honest however froma young age we are pumped with lies that there is a santa. So even going to the extreme of letting there children leave mince pies outsde, and trying to foo there child with 'fake' santa suit.

It maybe is taking away the fun of christmas, however when the santa bubble is final burst the child is indeed going to feel ver diheartend. Christmas nowadays i feel is not built around santa, and is just a gimmick for more presents, and more material things.

i agree that it is a pressure from society, because as much a i would not want to lie to my child about christmas, society around us leads the way with every other child knowing/believing/being told the miff.