Tuesday 6 May 2008

Comment 2 bad blogging: body modification.

Why should getting a tattoo be so bad its not hurting anyone else physically or emotionally, really the only person it is effecting is the person who wishes to have the tattoo. Its strange how many people go out of their way to find a unique picture, or design to have, but there are so many people now with tattoos I think it is more unique to find people without tattoos and body piercings.


Football Hooligans

Ive never understood what the facination is with watching a group of men kick a ball around, but millions op people seem to think it is the be all and end all, there is nothing worse than goning out for a drink with someone and all they can talk about is football, surley there intellegence exstends further than a pitch and a ball? or does it?. Football creates so much violence, anger and binge drinking. When people get together in mass numbers why does it creates so much violence?

Monday 5 May 2008

Comment Lying with Integrety. : All ey3s on M3

I totally agree I have not come across anyone else who has the same thoughts on the Santa notion, I just don't get it we constantly tell children not to lie, its wrong, yet we tell them a big whopping lie which is a big deal in there little world. I have just had a child and I don't plan on telling him a pack of lies about Santa, however many parents say its taking away there childhood fantasy and fun, then there is the battle with school and all other children's belief. Its almost like a pressure from society to lie to our children.


Looking at a number of comments on infidelity, I have noticed its suggestion that women only commit adultery for some thing meaningful!! I MEAN COME ON !! I think this is something men like to tell them selves in the hope that they believe they are so perfect and can provide every thing for us in the hope we wont commit adultery. nonsense!! women like sex just as much as men and the excitement. I believe it is a matter of respect and moral standards. I have been a victim of infidelity like most people and I have also committed adultery through this experience I have learnt alot about my self, I know I get bored easy and like the attention of the opposite sex, because of this in the past I have stayed quite east regardless of love, however,now I'm in a new relationship with someone I love very much and because of the pain I have felt and caused in the past I treat my new partner with alot more respect and believe on a moral level what I did was out of order and very bad of me to make another person feel so much pain. I'm glad to say I learnt from my mistake.