Sunday 24 February 2008

Smoking week 3

My apologies now if this is totally naff as I have never made a blog before and so many of you seem very creative. So I will do my best. I thought I would start with my experience of smoking and my thoughts.

Unfortunately I was one of these people who started smoking at a very early age, but i don't feel it was due to peer pressure as people around me did not smoke nor did my parents as many people suggest this may also be a cause of young smokers. I'm afraid to say it was probable just the need to BE BAD and defiant!. At one point in my life I smoked around 20-30 a day eek! but over the years i have formed very different opinions of smoking, I'm not sure if this is due to various stages of maturity or influences from movement in crowds of people I have across in the journey of life. However I do feel the media play a big part in our perceptions and view on different matters for instance the film clips from the 1950s portrayed smoking to be seductive and glamorous giving us the idea we will be as equally glamorous if we smoke. Over the years this has been changed through the Media suggesting smoking being more common in deprived areas stereo typing people .

Is there any one else who feels the government use the Media as a form of control over us first they encourage us to smoke then when we become dependant and addicted they decide its bad for us and ban it like there more recent smoking in public places ban? Its controlling us in mass numbers like religion but that's another story! Anyway these days I'm more of an on off smoker i can go for months without and then smoke like a chimney for days very strange! but even more bazaar one day i fine the smell of cigarettes repulsive and the next day it can be the most pleasurable moment of the day. Very sad I know. I'm sure all smokers understand this my apologies to all you non smokers out there.